CTA 1: Development, operations and sites
- Julien Leduc (CERN)
- Oliver Keeble (CERN)
In this presentation, we will report on how we at AARNet deployed CTA along with restic backup client as a backup/ archive solution for our production EOS clusters. The solution has been in production since late 2021. This presentation will aim to cover why we chose CTA, how CTA is deployed, and how it is integrated into our backup workflow.
EOS is now the main Storage System for IHEP experiments like LHAASO and JUNO. And Castor has been used for backup experiment data for a long time at IHEP, and has difficulty to satisfiy data backup requirement of new experiments like LHAASO, JUNO. As EOSCTA became stable to replace Castor in production, we started EOSCTA evaluation and the castor migration. In this talk, we will give a brief...
CTA entered into production at CERN in 2020 and physics data taking into CTA started in July 2021. 2022 will see the start of LHC Run-3, with combined experiment data rates up to 40 GB/s. This presentation will give an overview of CTA's preparation and readiness for the upcoming Run, as well as a look forward to software features in the development pipeline.
An EOSCTA instance is an EOS instance commonly called a tape buffer configured with a CERN Tape Archive (CTA) back-end.
This EOS instance is entirely bandwidth oriented: it offers an SSD based tape interconnection, it can contain spinning disks if needed and it is optimized for the various tape workflows.
This talk will present how to enable EOS for tape using CTA and the Swiss horology...
CTA uses access mechanism provided by EOS and adds tape-specific layer. If one of these elements is misconfigured, a user won't be able to read a file, or, on the contrary, unauthorized access can be granted.
This talk explains how the combination of the ACL, Unix permissions and mount rules works in CTA. We show which tools we use for the permissions management and what are capabilities...
Explanation of the CTA Tape Drive status during a data transfer session.
This talk sumarizes the new file restoring feature of CTA, how it works, how to configure it, when it should be used and it's current limitations.
This presentation summarizes the current effort to detect, and therebye subsequenly remedy, inconsistencies in the file metadata stored on EOS and CTA.
We show how we combine and validate EOSCTA namespaces in order to produce a summary of healthy files for experiments and a troubleshooting tool for operators.