CTA 2: Community developments and sites
- Oliver Keeble (CERN)
- Michael Davis (CERN)
Fermilab is the primary research lab dedicated to particle physics in the United States and also is home to the largest archival HEP data store outside of CERN. Fermilab currently employs a HSM based on Enstore, a Fermilab product, and dCache, for tape and disk, respectively. This Enstore+dCache HSM manages nearly 300 PB of active data on tape. Because of the necessary development work to...
This talk will present details of the deployment of Antares, the EOS-CTA service at RAL Tier-1, which replaces Castor.
The ever increasing amount of data that is produced by modern scientific facilities like EuXFEL or LHC puts a high pressure on the data management infrastructure at the laboratories. This includes poorly shareable resources of archival storage, typically, tape libraries. To achieve maximal efficiency of the available tape resources a deep integration between hardware and software components...