CERNBOX: Develeopment & Operation
- Jakub Moscicki (CERN)
- Hugo Gonzalez Labrador (CERN)
CERNBox is key enabler service built on top of EOS for users at CERN and beyond. The service is used by more than 37K users and stores over 15PB of data, representing all the user communities at the laboratory.
In this talk we will explain the current status of the service, the challenges we faced in 2021 and our vision for the future: CERNBox as the gateway for a federation of...
EOS provides the backend to CERNBox, the cloud sync and share service implementation used at CERN. EOS for CERNBox is storing 12PB of user and project space data across 9 different instances running in multi-fst configuration. This presentation will give an overview of 2021 challenges, how we tried to address them and talk about the roadmap for the service for 2022.
More than 300 million CERNBox files are processed daily using cback backup tool, which ensures that files are safely stored in a different geographical area and using a different storage backend. The backup tool has not stop evolving and was extended to support CephFS mount backup along with EOS mounts under the same infrastructure. This talk will present the current status of the project...
The CERNBox service is currently backed by 13PB of EOS storage distributed across more than 3,000 drives. EOS has proven to be a reliable and highly performing backend throughout. On the other hand, the CERN Storage Group also operates CephFS, which has been previously evaluated in combination with EOS as a potential solution for large scale physics data taking [1]. This work seeks to further...
To consolidate the concept of sharing implemented inside EOS for any access protocol we are currently adding a new type of ACL which defines a 'share'. One of the new characteristics of a share ACL is that they are not influenced by POSIX or classic ACLs. We support additional ACL capabilities as 'can share'.
A second important new concept is the concept of ownership by an EGROUP. Ownership...
EOS provides a very detailed log system which provides useful information of all the user and system operations that are performed at any time. Each EOS daemon has its own log file and tracing operations that involve different components can be a time consuming task (MGM -> FST1 -> FST2). With Grafana Loki and Promtail, we setup a logging aggregation system that allows tracing operations...
In this talk we present the evolution of the CERNBox Samba service that we operate in front of EOS. An important recent change is the adoption of a new layout based on bind mounts: this allows to operate a smaller number of EOS mounts and to enable federating multiple EOS instances in a single namespace. We will discuss further measures adopted to address the ever increasing load from the...
Understanding the configuration and logic used by eosxd on /eos/ is not straight forward in particular in containerized environments. This short presentation tries to explain the basics.
Access to CERNBox via social account providers and external emails provides a highly scalable and traceable mechanism to allow sharing of data and knowledge with people external to CERN, and encourage collaboration across boundaries and institutes. In this talk, we'll talk about how we adapted our service to accommodate such accounts with restricted scopes and describe the developments that...
This contribution illustrates how we have evolved file locking in CERNBox and EOS. Initially introduced to support Office online applications, the functionality has been extended to be an integral part of Reva, the engine powering CERNBox. We will describe the implementation in the EOS storage system, and the foreseen extensions to cover Linux file locks (flocks) as supported for FUSE and...