1–2 Mar 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

ESA IOD Cubesat Missions Overview

1 Mar 2022, 11:30
https://cern.zoom.us/j/67303960467?pwd=dVJIYTBoYlJKOUN5bHBOYTRpMU9Kdz09 (CERN)




Franco Perez Lissi (ESA)


An overview of the main ESA Cubesat Missions and activities will be provided with emphasis on the utilised Radiation Hardness Approach. With the increased complexity of Cubesat design and mission objectives, together with the transition from educational to In-orbit demonstration missions utilising COTS, radiation hardness has become paramount to increase in-orbit availability. Details on the radiation requirements, utilised tools, and testing approach for ESA LEO missions, will be provided. An overview of the guidelines, requirements, and ongoing process with the Cubesat industry will be introduced, aiming to reduce the effects of radiation while finding a correct balance in between mission availability, risk and associated programmatic cost.

Presentation materials