9:00 AM
Searches for HNLs with neutrino telescopes
Pilar Coloma
(Instituto de Fisica Teorica UAM/CSIC)
9:25 AM
Prospects for the measurement of the absolute neutrino masses in cosmology
Yvonne Wong
9:55 AM
The HIBEAM experiment to look for induced conversions of neutrons to sterile neutrons and antineutrons
David Anthony Milstead
(Stockholm University (SE))
10:15 AM
New results from MicroBooNE
Stefan Soldner-Rembold
(University of Manchester (GB))
10:30 AM
PIONEER at PSI Prospects for Rare Pion Decays
Bob Velghe
Douglas Andrew Bryman
(University of British Columbia (CA))
11:15 AM
FIPs searches at FCC-ee
Giulia Ripellino
(Uppsala University (SE))
11:30 AM
Prospects at DUNE near detectors and short baseline experiments in US
Joachim Kopp
11:50 AM
New results from ATLAS, CMS, LHCb
Joscha Knolle
(Ghent University (BE))
12:15 PM
Heavy Neutral Leptons: the FIP Physics Centre approach
Juraj Klaric
(Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))
12:40 PM
New results from Babar
Sophie Charlotte Middleton
(Lund University (SE))
12:55 PM
Conclusions and Outlook