Deployment team

EVO - GridPP Deployment team meeting

EVO - GridPP Deployment team meeting

Pete Gronbech
- This is the biweekly DTEAM meeting - The intention is to run the meeting in EVO: Join the meeting in the GridPP Community area. - The phone bridge number is +44 (0)161 306 6802 (CERN number +41 22 76 71400). The phone bridge ID is 64688 with code: 4880.
    • 11:00 11:20
      Experiment problems/issues 20m
      Review of weekly issues by experiment/VO - LHCb - CMS - ATLAS - Other - Experiment blacklisted sites - Experiment known events affecting job slot requirements - Site performance/accounting issues -- Liverpool and Oxford accounting looks less up-to-date than other sites
    • 11:20 11:40
      Meetings & updates 20m
      ROD team status (any points to raise to sites or issues to follow up?) - Nagios service for tickets. An example: ... what do we want here? - Are we for or against the continued international use of the dteam VO? Could we work the same with a nationally run version? - Tier-1 update - Follow up from the Grid Deployment Board See Pete's notes The next GDB is on 8th December with Duncan as T2 rep. Then 12th January 2011 - ? 9th February 9th March (Lyon?). May be on 6th. 13th March. -- T2 issues -- General notes. - Escalated tickets ... interface down. We are currently looking at alternative and more encompassing reports. Also noticed that tickets on hold don't escalate. - Return of the GridPP Technical Roadmap. -- Still open for topics to be covered in addition to the usual: multi-core; GPUs and clouds.
    • 11:40 11:50
      GridPP metrics & site issues. 10m
      - The Tier-2 and ops QRs were discussed at yesterday's PMB in the context of making reporting more frequent in GridPP4. Formal reports aside, is there a subset of metrics we should review more frequently in this meeting (perhaps monthly)? CREAM status: Installed: RAL T1; Glasgow; Manchester; Oxford; Birmingham; Imperial; Liverpool; RALPP; QMUL and Sheffield Not installed: UCL; Lancaster; Brunel; Cambridge; Bristol and Durham.
    • 11:50 11:55
      Support requirements in EGI 5m Channels for user requirements: unicate_Your_requirements
    • 11:55 12:00
      Actions 5m
    • 12:00 12:01
      AOB 1m
      - HEPSYSMAN - NGS Innovation Forum: - The next GridPP Oversight Committee is in December. Reports are now being compiled. Are there particular items/topics you wanted included for deployment?