TH Cosmo Coffee

Astrophysics Milestones for Pulsar Timing Array Gravitational-wave Detection

by Nihan Pol

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All of the three established pulsar timing arrays (NANOGrav, EPTA, PPTA), along with international pulsar timing array (IPTA) have now reported strong Bayesian evidence for a common-spectrum stochastic process in their latest data sets, with broad agreement in the recovered spectral characteristics of this process. However, evidence for the quadrupolar Hellings & Downs interpulsar correlations, which are characteristic of gravitational-wave signals, is not yet significant in any of these datasets.
In this talk, I will review these results, and describe and quantify, through realistic simulations, the key milestones that pulsar timing arrays can be expected to achieve in the next few years.
Cosmo Coffee
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Elena Gianolio
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Marko Simonovic, Valerie Domcke, Joachim Kopp, Azadeh Maleknejad, Miguel Escudero Abenza, Enea Di Dio, Fabrizio Rompineve
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