LHC Seminar

New precise measurements of CP violation and mixing in beauty and charm decays at LHCb

by Guillaume Max Pietrzyk (IJCLab (Orsay, FR)), Mark Peter Whitehead (University of Glasgow (GB))

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We first discuss the latest results of the novel LHCb beauty and charm combination that provides world leading constraints on the CP violation angle gamma and charm mixing parameters. These results highlight the complementarity of high profile LHCb results from the beauty and charm sectors.

A brand new measurement of the charm mixing parameter y$_{CP}$ using two body D0 meson decays is shown for the first time and represents a factor of four improvement over the previous world average value. Both of these measurements provide precise tests of the standard model and are sensitive to potential new physics effects.

Organized by

Michelangelo Mangano, Monica Pepe-Altarelli and Pedro Silva

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