Heavy ion physics from SPRACE group using the CMS experiment

26 Apr 2022, 15:40
Sessão 2 Sessão 2


Prof. Cesar A. Bernardes (on behalf of the SPRACE group) (Instituto de Física - UFRGS)


In this presentation, we describe recent work from SPRACE team [1] on physics analyses using data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC. The studies are performed by measuring particle correlations produced in small and large colliding systems to access information about the space-time evolution of the particle emitting source, the final state interactions between hadrons, and the properties of the quark-gluon plasma created in heavy-ions collisions. Such investigations are conducted employing methods in femtoscopic correlations and anisotropic flow at high energies.

[1] https://sprace.org.br/


Prof. Cesar A. Bernardes (on behalf of the SPRACE group) (Instituto de Física - UFRGS)

Presentation materials