Sessão 2: Manhã
- Maria Beatriz De Leone Gay (Universidade Federál Do Rio Grande Do Sul (BR))
- Gilvan Augusto Alves (CBPF - Brazilian Center for Physics Research (BR))
Sessão 2: Paralela 1
- Jose Seixas (Federal University of of Rio de Janeiro (BR))
Sessão 2: Paralela 3
- Ettore Segreto (University of Campinas UNICAMP (BR))
Sessão 2: Paralela 2
- Maria Beatriz De Leone Gay (Universidade Federál Do Rio Grande Do Sul (BR))
Mini-Workshop sobre a Interface Teórico-Experimental em Física de Altas Energias
When observed with high-energy probes, atomic nuclei are complex objects. The number of quarks and gluons, and their distribution within the nucleus vary depending on the energy and virtuality of the probe used to measure them. In this talk, I will discuss the use of high-enerygy photons, from either ultra-peripheral collisions (UPCs) of heavy nuclei, at RHIC and the LHC, and at the...
An overview of recent progress in high-energy astroparticle physics is given by discussing a number of key observations and puzzles. The interplay of astrophysics and particle physics needed for understanding these phenomena is illustrated
and open questions, motivating new experimental and theoretical work, are pointed out.
Eu vou discutir a importância da descoberta da massa do neutrino e o potencial das experiências de oscilações de neutrinos para revelar mais sobre a física além do modelo padrão.
Foi proposta em 1988 uma generalização da mecânica estatística de Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) usando como base uma entropia não aditiva Sq, cujo índice q é um numero real (q=1 recupera a mecânica estatística de BG). Esta generalização tem encontrado muitas aplicações em física de altas energias e plasmas. Após uma breve introdução, apresentamos um resultado obtido por Deppman, Mejias e Menezes (PRD...
Comparações entre resultados do experimento LHCb e previsões teóricas para produção exclusiva do méson vetorial J/$\psi$ em colisões pp e PbPb serão apresentadas. Também discutiremos perspectivas de análises de dados propostas para o experimento LHCb em trabalhos de fenomenologia relacionados à Física difrativa.
One of the main concerns of experimental astroparticle physics is to characterize and measure the fluxes of different particle species of cosmic origin that arrive at Earth. In the most energetic regimes (above $10^{15}$ eV for the charged component of cosmic rays and $10^{11}$ eV for gamma rays), only arrays of detectors deployed at the ground and with large collection areas (hundreds to...
Hybrid simulations, where different models are coupled to simulate the space-time evolution of relativistic
heavy ion collisions, constitute the most modern tools for computational studies of the QGP. In such simulations,
the hydrodynamic code requires an entropy density distribution of the system as an input, and in the process of
converting the two colliding nuclei into such an entropy...
We analyze the electroweak interactions in the framework of the Higgs effective field theory using the available Higgs and electroweak diboson production results from LHC run 2 as well as the electroweak precision data. Assuming universality of the weak current, our study considers 25 possible anomalous couplings. To unveil the nature of the Higgs boson, i.e., isosinglet versus part of...
The Quark-Gluon Plasma, a new state of matter characterized by its extreme energy density
and temperature generated in heavy-ion collision experiments, is expected to modify hard-scattered
partons traveling through it and, consequently, the jets they produce. Analyses regarding jets
may recover information about the medium and its partonic energy-loss mechanism. This work
applies the Monte...
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the next-generation ground-based observatory
for gamma-ray astronomy, covering a very broad energy range from 20 GeV to beyond 100 TeV. In this work, we are probing the potential of the CTA observatory, through its planned extragalactic survey, in detecting BL Lac sources. The population of these AGNs is being simulated according to a luminosity function...
Astrophysical observations of high-energy gamma-rays play a crucial role in the exploration of non-thermal phenomena in the Universe in their most extreme and violent forms. It can also provide unique information about exotic Particle Physics phenomena beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics, which complements the studies performed at particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron...
Many systems in nature are subjected to thermal effects, i.e., where the environment temperature $T \neq 0$. Likewise, in the presence of conserved charges, chemical potentials can also be present. In this work, we are interested in systems at high temperatures, a condition that prevail in the primordial Universe, and also dense ones, like in the case of compact stars, materials with a well...
The SPRACE group has been involved in the the search of physics beyond the standard model since the beginning of the CMS operation. We have studied a myriad of possible new models, exploring several signatures in the detector.
Currently, one of the most promise indicative of new physics is the existence of Dark Matter. Its conexion with particle physics, how it interacts (if it interact at...
A invariância de Lorentz é uma das principais simetrias que governam o Modelo Padrão de partículas elementares. Todavia, diversos modelos teóricos para uma grande unificação acomodam ou até mesmo impõe certo nível de violação da invariância de Lorentz (VIL). Efeitos significativos são esperados apenas nas mais altas energias. Astropartículas estão entre os eventos mais energéticos conhecidos...
The the Standard Model (SM) has shown a remarkable success describing processes observed at TeV scale at the LHC, including the experimental confirmation of a particle consistent with the SM Higgs boson by the ATLAS and CMS experiments.
However, there are still puzzling questions defying these accomplishments, such as the hierarchy problem, the matter-antimatter asymmetry, the origin of CP...
In high energy heavy ion collisions, a strongly interacting system is formed, called Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), that behaves similar to a low viscosity fluid in fast expansion. Many experimental results are well described by hydrodynamics models, thus it is to be expected that this medium is also subject to typical hydrodynamic phenomena, like vorticity. Based on this concept, in this work, we...
Abelian U(1) gauge group extensions of the Standard Model represent one of the most minimal approaches to solve some of the most urgent particle physics questions and provide a rich phenomenology in various experimental searches. In this work, we focus on baryophilic vector mediator models in the MeV-to-GeV mass range and, in particular, present, for the first time, gauge vector field decays...
This talk will review the measurements of hard-diffractive dijet production and hard color-singlet exchange in dijet events from special data taken with a high-$\beta^{\ast}$ LHC optics configuration and low instanteneous luminosity.
Additionally, the measurements of central exclusive production (CEP) with the CMS Precision Proton Spectrometer (PPS) will be presented: high-mass dilepton...
In this presentation, we describe recent work from SPRACE team [1] on physics analyses using data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC. The studies are performed by measuring particle correlations produced in small and large colliding systems to access information about the space-time evolution of the particle emitting source, the final state interactions between hadrons, and the...
Ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions are currently best
understood via complex, multi-staged hybrid hydrodynamic
simulations. Recently, the potentially large parameter space
associated with these simulations started to being constrained
by means of Bayesian analysis that considered only data measured
at typical centralities. A decade-old long puzzle is the failure
of any simulation...
Currently, we are living in the precision era of neutrino physics since several fundamental parameters which describe the flavor mixing of the standard 3 flavors of neutrinos such as mixing angles and mass squared differences have been and are being measured with a few percent precisions by many experiments. In the next decade, it is expected that due to several new large scale experiments...
In this talk we present results on the search for Higgs boson pair production ($HH$) in the $b\bar{b}\tau^{+}\tau^{-}$ final state. The search uses 139 fb$^{-1}$ of $pp$ collision data recorded by the ATLAS experiment between 2015-2018 with a center of mass energy of $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV. This amount represents only 4\% of the collision data expected to be available during the LHC lifetime,...
The LHC experiments have focused part of its physics goals into the particle production in exclusive processes in order to improve our understanding of the Standard Model (SM) and search for signals of New Physics. Exclusive production means that the final state is composed only by the centrally produced particle $X$, with large rapidity gaps with no tracks between the...
Abstract of the ALP search - ATLAS Experiment
Apresentarei os planos para a nucleação de uma nova linha de pesquisa e de trabalho a serem desenvolvidos no Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas - CBPF no Rio de Janeiro. Esse novo núcleo trabalhará com a Física de Íons Pesados e com o calorímetro eletromagnético (ECAL) do Solenóide Compacto de Múons (CMS), um dos experimentos do LHC no CERN. Esse projeto abarca temas de ponta, muito...