Minute 40
- Make or buy plan ongoing
- Asset creation
Mechanical table assembly:
- Assembly procedure is almost finished
- Cycling test will begin soon
- Christophe (CEM) will update the software to be easier to understand/ have values
- Malik will work on it on the hardware part and for a potential chiller bath
Absorber materials update:
- 3 CuCD blocks with dry machining good after a 650° thermal treatment (factor 3 better and factor 10 from total outgassing)
- Inermet to be sent to metrology – No updates last time
- First jaws copper part flatness measurement = 42um and second one = 70um
- Welded bellows brought to metrology, finished next week (no better precision on it)
- Drawings updated of the shaft beginning of the next week
- Cooling pipes in ultrasound control, waiting for the report. Mini. Thickness of the tubes=0.60mm
- Tank extremities ongoing
- CuBe folding finished, then welding
- 350 cleaned parts to be received finally next week
Additional screws:
- Rodriguez declined it because of the pitch
- Moog answer the requirements -> visit to come
- Ewellix answer the requirements, we can visit the factory – Delays = 39 weeks, check the feasibility
- SKF, Umbra, Bosch not possible
- Schaeffler answer the requirements, materials to defined -> very good delays/ costs
- Meeting with S. Sgobba for the materials alloy and corrosion restiance
Graphite tapering procurement:
- Asked to Pablo to order 2 blocks – 2 more block only if metrology is good on the first 2 ones.
Update on planning:
Update for the serie:
- Waiting for the first and last RGA tests final reports
- Tools for flatness measurement: check the compatibility (point 4 or 132)
- 2172391 for the collimator assembly procedure
- 2718080 labelling for the proto/ serie
- 2702554 collimator plates production
- 2664160 collimator production
- 2355344 NCR TCPPM bellows
- 2733845 metrology EWB bellows
Link to EDMS minutes : https://edms.cern.ch/ui/#!master/navigator/document?D:100889947:100889947:approvalAndComments
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