IRIS-HEP AGC Tools 2022 Workshop
The IRIS-HEP AGC Tools 2022 Workshop is dedicated to showcasing tools and workflows related to the so-called “Analysis Grand Challenge” (AGC) being organized by IRIS-HEP and partners. This workshop is a part of preparations for HSF Analysis Ecosystems Workshop II.
The AGC focuses on running a physics analysis at scale, including the handling of systematic uncertainties, binned statistical analysis, reinterpretation, and end-to-end optimization. The AGC makes use of new and advanced analysis tools developed by the community in the Python ecosystem and relies on the development of the required cyberinfrastructure to be executed at scale. A specific goal of the AGC is to demonstrate technologies envisioned for use at the HL-LHC.
Foundation libraries (uproot, awkward, hist, mplhep)
Queries with func_adl and data delivery with ServiceX
Columnar analysis with coffea
Statistical inference: pyhf and cabinetry
From data delivery to statistical inference: ServiceX, coffea, cabinetry & pyhf
Data management with Skyhook
Scale-out with coffea: coffea-casa analysis facility
Analysis user experience with Python HEP data science tools in different experiments
Experiment related discussions
The agenda will be composed of hands-on tutorials based on various tools and services developed in the Python ecosystem by and for the particle physics community, and room to discuss the current status of projects and interfaces.
Participants will be able to follow up on all tutorials on the dedicated Analysis Facilities.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch! You can find email addresses of the organizers below.
The deadline for registrations is April 22nd 2022.