Applications & Studies
- Manuel Alejandro Del Rio Viera (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
Applications & Studies
- Paul Schütze (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
Applications & Studies
- Håkan Wennlöf (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
Recent advantages in crystal growth have facilitated the production of high resistivity (HR) chromium compensated gallium arsenide (GaAs:Cr), which has become an alternative to silicon, especially in X- and gammas-ray detection and imaging, where such sensors profit from their higher absorption efficiency.
To explore charge transport properties of the HR GaAs:Cr material we measured the...
The Allpix-Squared simulation toolkit has long been used by the ATLAS ITk Collaboration to perform simulations of pixel and strip silicon detectors.
In this contribution, a new functionality added into the toolkit is presented, enabling simulations of ATLAS ITk strip end-cap detectors featuring a trapezoidal sensor shape with detection strips fanning out radially from a common focal point....
In view of the High Luminosity LHC phase the ATLAS collaboration is preparing a new all silicon tracking detector - the Inner Tracker (ITk).
At the core of the new tracker there will be 5 barrel layers instrumented with hybrid pixel detectors with fine pitch (50x50 or 25x100 um).
The new detector will have to sustain radiation damage levels up to 10 times larger than the actual tracker....
We are simulating the performance of the ATLAS ITk Strips EC System Test as a Cosmic Muon Telescope with the Allpix Squared framework. A couple of modifications to the Allpix (and Corryvreckan) frameworks have been made to deal with the particularities of the cosmic particle flux.
Planned contents of the talk:
- The ATLAS ITk Strips System Test
- ITk Strips Endcap Modules (with a...
The design of a new high-granularity pre-shower detector for the FASER experiment at LHC is in progress, with the purpose of measuring and discriminating electromagnetic showers generated by photons with O(TeV) energies and separation down to 200 µm. The new pre-shower will comprise six planes of monolithic silicon pixel detectors with hexagonal pixels of 65 µm side.
The detector simulation...
The Tangerine project’s goal is to develop the next generation of small collection electrode monolithic silicon pixel detectors using the 65nm CMOS imaging process which offers a higher logic density and overall lower power consumption compared to previously used processes.
A combination of TCAD and Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are used in order to understand the processes and parameters...
Beam telescopes are used to investigate future particle detector prototypes, and to do this efficiently they must provide excellent position and time resolution at the device under test location. One of the goals of the Tangerine Project is to develop a beam telescope based on sensors created in a 65 nm CMOS imaging process. In order to study the tracking performance and choose the best...
The 100µPET project, a SNSF SINERGIA between UNIGE, EPFL and HUG, aims at producing a small-animal PET scanner with unprecedented volumetric spatial resolution by using multi-layer monolithic silicon pixel detectors.
The Allpix$^2$ framework is central for the detector's parameters optimization. Different detector geometries and electrical parameters are studied in order to optimize the...
Proton therapy is, due to its higher precision of energy deposition, an effec-
tive alternative to conventional x-ray therapy. Occurring uncertainties due to
the use of x-ray computed tomography in treatment planning can be reduced
through the use of proton computed tomography. To accurately predict the
range of the protons in tissue, it is necessary to reconstruct the tracks of...
Accurate simulation of nuclear-voltaic battery performance can provide valuable insight into optimal power generation through novel nuclear-voltaic designs. Rigorous models require the use of Monte Carlo methods along with electrostatic field simulations, detailed charge generation, and correct treatment of the charge propagation. This paper presents simulations for a silicon carbide (SiC)...
The Distributed Electronic Cosmic-ray Observatory (DECO) is a cell phone app which uses the cell phone camera image sensor (CMOS) to record images of ionizing radiation from cosmic rays or radioactivity. A convolutional neural network (CNN) is used to classify these images according to their morphology, which indicates particle identity and energy. In this project, we use Allpix$^2$ to...