A Hubble parameter estimate H0 = (73.37 ± 0.54) km/s/Mpc from the late-time Universe and the BAO

7 Jun 2022, 16:15


Maurice van putten (Sejong University)


Modern precision measurements of the Hubble parameter H0 increasingly lay bare an accelerated expansion of the Universe beyond what is expected from Planck-LCDM analysis of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). This H0-tension is here modeled by a non-local dark energy Λ=g(1-q)H^2, subject to the age of the Universe and the BAO inferred from globular clusters of the Milky Way and, respectively, the CMB. Bootstrapping from LCDM, we estimate H0 = (73.37 ± 0.54) km/s/Mpc with gravitational coupling constant g=(1-α/2), anticipating Riess' et al. recent measurement H0 = (73.30 ± 1.04) km/s/Mpc. (Based on van Putten PLB 823 136737 (2021).)

Primary author

Maurice van putten (Sejong University)

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