- Claudio Scrucca (Institut de Physique-Universite de Neuchatel-Unknown)
Marco Serone
01/06/2011, 14:00
Non-Abelian Discrete Symmetries based on the group S4 are introduced in the lepton sector of Holographic Composite Higgs Models. The pattern of the neutrino mass mixing is naturally reproduced and the bounds on tree-level and radiative charged lepton decays are considerably alleviated. We explicitly show all these features in an explicit and very simple (with almost no free parameters!) 5D...
Giuliano Panico
(ETH Zurich)
01/06/2011, 14:15
We analyze a discrete version of the 5-dimensional composite Higgs models obtained by dimensional deconstruction. We show that, if we use at least three deconstruction points, the Higgs potential as well as the S and T parameters are computable at 1-loop. We also study the properties of the simple set-up with only three deconstruction points, which describes two massive resonances of the KK...
Michele Frigerio
01/06/2011, 14:30
I will entertain the possibility of a TeV scale composite sector, that
account at the same time for electroweak symmetry breaking and gauge
coupling unification.
In this scenario,
the lightest new particles to be observed at the LHC are the composite
partners of the Higgs and of the top quark, with a distinctive
Mahmoud Safari
(SISSA, Trieste)
01/06/2011, 14:45
We construct new composite Higgs/gauge-Higgs unification (GHU) models in flat space that overcome all the difficulties found in the past in attempting to construct models of this sort. The key ingredient is the introduction of large boundary kinetic terms for gauge (and fermion) fields. We focus our analysis on the electroweak symmetry breaking pattern and the electroweak precision tests and...
Martin Holthausen
(Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg)
01/06/2011, 15:00
Under the assumption of classical conformal invariance, we study the Coleman-Weinberg symmetry breaking mechanism in the minimal left-right symmetric model. This model is attractive as it provides a natural framework for small neutrino masses and the restoration of parity as a good symmetry of nature. We find that, in a large fraction of the parameter space, the parity symmetry is maximally...
Stefano Di Chiara
(CP3-Origins, Southern Denmark University)
01/06/2011, 15:15
In this talk, I will briefly review the mechanism of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking. I will then show that a class of so called Walking Technicolor theories are able to pass the precision tests while producing a phenomenologically viable mass spectrum featuring a composite Higgs scalar. I will finally present collider signals of Walking Technicolor models for various processes, that...
Dario Buttazzo
(Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
01/06/2011, 15:30
Typically, Lorentz-violating theories contain a large number of independent parameters. We analyze the bounds on these parameters and use them to quantify how precise Lorentz symmetry is today, according to experimental data. We evaluate a number of general formulas for Lorentz-violating field theories, and then apply them to the CPT-invariant, QED subsectors of the Standard Model Extension...