- Andreas Weiler
Marco Farina
(Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN)
01/06/2011, 14:30
In a supersymmetric model with hierarchical squark masses we analyze a pattern of flavour symmetry breaking centered on the special role of the top Yukawa coupling and, by extension, of the full Yukawa couplings for the up-type quarks. For sufficiently heavy squarks of the first and second generation this leads to effective Minimal Flavour Violation of the Flavour Changing Neutral Current...
David Straub
(Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
01/06/2011, 14:45
We analyze CP violation in supersymmetry with Effective Minimal Flavour Violation, where the squarks of the first two generations are much heavier than the third generation ones. Unlike the case of standard Minimal Flavour Violation, we show that all the phases allowed by the flavour symmetry can be sizable without violating existing Electric Dipole Moment constraints, thus solving the SUSY CP...
Robert Ziegler
(TUM/IAS Munich)
01/06/2011, 15:00
As a minimal theory of fermion masses we extend the SM by heavy vectorlike fermions that mix with chiral fermions, such that small SM Yukawa couplings arise from small mixing angles. This model can be regarded as an effective description of the fermionic sector of a large class of existing flavor models and thus might serve as a useful reference frame for a further understanding of flavor...
Miguel Nebot
(U. of Valencia - IFIC)
01/06/2011, 15:15
Modifications of the Standard Model through the inclusion of vector-like quarks (i.e. quarks that are singlets under weak isospin transformations) potentially show signicant deviations in a vast number of predictions, ranging from intensively studied low energy flavour changing processes to high energy electroweak precision data and collider observables. In this talk we address the prospects...
Lars Hofer
(Universität Würzburg)
01/06/2011, 15:30
The 2.5 sigma discrepancy between theory and experiment observed in the difference A_CP(B^- --> pi^0 K^-)-A_CP(Bbar^0 --> pi^+ K^-) can be explained by a new electroweak penguin amplitude. We demonstrate that in presence of a such a new electroweak penguin amplitude the branching ratios of the purely isospin-violating decays B_s --> phi rho^0 and B_s --> phi pi^0 can be enhanced by up to an...