- Michael Ratz (Technische Universitaet Muenchen)
cedric delaunay
(Weizmann Institute of Science)
31/05/2011, 14:00
We present a class of warped models where the SM flavor hierarchies are determined by UV physics. These Flavor Triviality (FT) models display a sweet-spot of parameters where a KK-gluon mass as low as O(2)TeV is consistent with EWPTs. In contrast with the so-called anarchic warped models, FT models show no tension with either FCNCs or EDMs, while naturalness is potentially improved....
Grégory Moreau
(LPT/University Paris 11, France)
31/05/2011, 14:15
Since a decade, there have been extensive developments about an alternative to supersymmetry: the scenarios
with warped extra dimensions. Those constitute a new paradigm in the sense that they are dual, through the
AdS/CFT correspondence, to composite Higgs models. These scenarios predict naturally strong deviations from the
Standard Model mainly in the bottom and top quark sector. In that...
Chloé Papineau
31/05/2011, 14:30
We revisit the Minimal Universal Extra Dimensions (MUED) model by
implementing consistently electroweak symmetry breaking and
loop-corrections in five dimensions. I will present the detailed
spectrum as well as some production chanels at the LHC
Oriol Domenech
(IFAE, Barcelona)
31/05/2011, 14:45
Using the prescriptions of the AdS/CFT correpondence it is possible to
build Extra Dimensional models that describe low energy hadrons. I will
review a simple 5D model of QCD in which mesons are represented by bulk
fields and baryons arise as solitons, in analogy to the original Skyrme
model. Contrary to 4D Skyrmions, however, baryon physics is calculable in
this effective...
Kunihito Uzawa
(Kindai University)
31/05/2011, 15:00
We show that the warped de Sitter compactification is possible under certain conditions in D-dimensional gravitational theory coupled to a dilaton, a form field strength, and a cosmological constant. We find that the solutions of field equations give de Sitter spacetime with the warped structure. We also discuss the dynamics of moduli in the lower-dimensional effective theories and show that...
Atsushi Watanabe
(Niigata Univ.)
31/05/2011, 15:15
A five-dimensional seesaw framework is analyzed with the lepton-number-violating propagator of bulk right-handed neutrinos. That can bypass summing up the effects of heavy Majorana particles whose masses and wavefunctions are not exactly known. The propagator method makes it easier to evaluate the seesaw-induced neutrino mass for various boundary conditions of bulk neutrinos and in a general...
Kristian McDonald
(Max Planck Institute (Heidelberg))
31/05/2011, 15:30
The Mini-Seesaw mechanism combines naturally suppressed Dirac and (sterile) Majorana mass scales together in a low-scale seesaw to achieve light Standard Model neutrino masses. A key feature of this approach is the existence of a tower of light sterile neutrinos, all of which can mix with the Standard Model. We will detail this mechanism and discuss the prospects for observing the light sterile modes.