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Rucio Meeting

Martin Barisits (CERN)
    • 15:00 15:05
      News 5m
    • 15:05 16:40
      Rucio token evolution 1h 35m
      • Introduction 20m
        Speaker: Martin Barisits (CERN)
      • Discussion 1h 15m
        • Dave: CILogon will be used for many experiments instead of INDIGO-IAM
          • Support WLCG Common profile
          • Probably no additional plugins needed
        • Doug: Client workflows need to foresee that AT will timeout in long downloads
          • Yes, needs to be part of the workflow
        • Mario: Multiple Token Issuers possible? E.g. Cloud providers?
          • Probably difficult,
          • Petr: Cloud storage won't support the WLCG Token profile - It's a different thing
        • Mark: How much development work is it?
          • Extensive, will span the entire architecture, require changes in almost all components
        • Stefan: Possible to make token scope limitation decisions outside of Rucio and remove that burden from the DDM?
          • In terms of data embargos probably different, since the knowledge of the DDM system is needed to make the decision
          • For some communities this might be possible though
        • Dave: Every time you need to refresh a token it takes a user to do something in the webbrowser
          • Look at htgettoken (vault server) for integration
          • Makes it much easier for the user (Management of refresh tokens)
        • Maithili: What about macaroons?
          • and users without a Rucio account
          • Macaroons could be a good option to give non-users a quick and easy way to access data
            • We would need to look into it in detail and collect these usecases
        • Steve: Dual X509 and Token deployment will probably be needed for many communities
          • But also lots of ways to do this wrong
        • Brandon: Some communities do want to read data from each others infrastructure
          • Possible way to foresee this in the token workflows?
        • Paul: If things need clarification in the Token document, please let us know
          • e.g. can storage.create scoped tokens retrieve checksums?
        • Paul: Advantages of Macaroons
          • You can modify the tokens on the Rucio server side without have to do all the round-trips
        • Gareth: DIRAC token workflows
          • This would have to be checked together with DIRAC team
        • Dave: Figures in the slides suggest that the rucio client itself requests AT for the user
          • Martin: This is not the case, it's just simplified on the figure. User will request/provide AT to the clients, the clients will just user whatever is provided
        • Doug: Where will the common testing of the functionality be done?
          • Probably mostly in WLCG BDT
            • What about non-WLCG communities?
              • Needs to be discussed
    • 16:40 16:55
      Community News & DevOps roundtable 15m
    • 16:55 17:00
      AOB 5m