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30 April 2022
America/New_York timezone


The High Energy Physics group at the University of Notre Dame is excited to host the 12th PIKIMO meeting on Saturday, April 30th, 2022. The meeting will be conducted in a hybrid format, with both an in-person attendance option at the University of Notre Dame and a remote attendance option over Zoom.  

PIKIMO 12 will bring together particle theorists and experimentalists from universities that are part of the PIKIMO group. We strongly encourage in-person attendance at the meeting.

All in-person attendees are required to be vaccinated. The meeting will take place at 205/206/207 McKenna Hall.

Keynote Speakers:

  • Kimberly Boddy (U.Texas, Austin)
  • Patrick J. Fox (Fermilab)

To participate, please register for the meeting. There you can indicate your plans to attend the meeting either in-person or remotely. If you wish to present a talk at the meeting, please submit an abstract.

