Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!


Brian Paul Bockelman (University of Wisconsin Madison (US)), Maria Arsuaga Rios (CERN), Petr Vokac (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))

Topic: WLCG DOMA BDT Meeting


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      Hot topics
      • New FTS devel version deployed on supports per link protocol preference configuration RQF1986690
        • useful for individual SRM+protocol on FTS instance shared by multiple VOs
        • configuration details not available in FTS web interface
        • it'll be released in FTS 3.12 FTS-1768
      • gfal2 2.20.5 released in EPEL with built-in SE-token support
        • SE-tokens enabled by default for all operations (RETRIEVE_BEARER_TOKEN=true)
          • gfal-rename fails with DPM < 1.15.2
        • HTTP-TPC can be finally easily done (tested) from CLI
        • necessary for SRM+https (official FTS / DMC repo already provided 2.20.x version for quite some time)
      • new DPM release 1.15.2 (EPEL testing, but should reach stable within a week)
      • dCache 6.2.41, 7.2.11 and 8.0.1 comes with improved WLCG SRR support
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      Token Authorization testbed
      Speaker: Francesco Giacomini (INFN CNAF)
      • compliance testbed
        • wlcg.groups in the token are now sufficient to authorize storage access (issue#21)
          • no storage.* scope necessary
          • compliance tests updated
            • 2 related dCache compliance tests now fails
        • no agreement yet on different 401 vs. 403 error codes
      • xroot protocol with TLS and tokens
        • should work fine for two party copy
        • not completely clear if we have compatible third party implementation
      • passing tokens from xrdcp command
        • two different auth mechanisms - token & ZTN
        • dCache has to implement ZTN fallback to be fully compatible with XRootD
        • there may still be changes how xroot client deals with tokens
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      Tape REST access
      Speaker: Cedric Caffy (CERN)

      Work in progress on final TAPE REST API documentation.

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      Packet marking
      Speakers: Marian Babik (CERN), Shawn Mc Kee (University of Michigan (US))
      • XRootD implementation sends firefly only to central collector and not to the real destination using same network path as transferred data
        • useful to test collector and may be to start with some basic monitoring interface
        • not very useful when it comes to probes that capture passing firefly packets
        • very limited functionality - current implementation not really for wider deployment
      • passing experiment activity is tricky and needs to be implemented
        • for HTTP-TPC (HTTP COPY operation) it might be useful to use TransferHeader prefix, because these headers (with stripped TransferHeader prefix) are passed also to passive party
          • TransferFlowExp -> TransferHeaderFlowExp (passive party gets FlowExp header)
          • TransferFlowAct -> TransferHeaderFrowAct (passive party gets FlowAct header)
      • experiments should provides list of activities they consider useful for packet marking
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