Brian Paul Bockelman (University of Wisconsin Madison (US)), Maria Arsuaga Rios (CERN), Petr Vokac (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))

Topic: WLCG DOMA BDT Meeting


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      Hot topics
      • New FTS devel version deployed on fts3-public.cern.ch supports per link protocol preference configuration RQF1986690
        • useful for individual SRM+protocol on FTS instance shared by multiple VOs
        • configuration details not available in FTS web interface
        • it'll be released in FTS 3.12 FTS-1768
      • gfal2 2.20.5 released in EPEL with built-in SE-token support
        • SE-tokens enabled by default for all operations (RETRIEVE_BEARER_TOKEN=true)
          • gfal-rename fails with DPM < 1.15.2
        • HTTP-TPC can be finally easily done (tested) from CLI
        • necessary for SRM+https (official FTS / DMC repo already provided 2.20.x version for quite some time)
      • new DPM release 1.15.2 (EPEL testing, but should reach stable within a week)
      • dCache 6.2.41, 7.2.11 and 8.0.1 comes with improved WLCG SRR support
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      Token Authorization testbed
      Speaker: Francesco Giacomini (INFN CNAF)
      • compliance testbed
        • wlcg.groups in the token are now sufficient to authorize storage access (issue#21)
          • no storage.* scope necessary
          • compliance tests updated
            • 2 related dCache compliance tests now fails
        • no agreement yet on different 401 vs. 403 error codes
      • xroot protocol with TLS and tokens
        • should work fine for two party copy
        • not completely clear if we have compatible third party implementation
      • passing tokens from xrdcp command
        • two different auth mechanisms - token & ZTN
        • dCache has to implement ZTN fallback to be fully compatible with XRootD
        • there may still be changes how xroot client deals with tokens
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      Tape REST access
      Speaker: Cedric Caffy (CERN)

      Work in progress on final TAPE REST API documentation.

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      Packet marking
      Speakers: Marian Babik (CERN), Shawn Mc Kee (University of Michigan (US))
      • XRootD implementation sends firefly only to central collector and not to the real destination using same network path as transferred data
        • useful to test collector and may be to start with some basic monitoring interface
        • not very useful when it comes to probes that capture passing firefly packets
        • very limited functionality - current implementation not really for wider deployment
      • passing experiment activity is tricky and needs to be implemented
        • for HTTP-TPC (HTTP COPY operation) it might be useful to use TransferHeader prefix, because these headers (with stripped TransferHeader prefix) are passed also to passive party
          • TransferFlowExp -> TransferHeaderFlowExp (passive party gets FlowExp header)
          • TransferFlowAct -> TransferHeaderFrowAct (passive party gets FlowAct header)
      • experiments should provides list of activities they consider useful for packet marking
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