Fire risks and hazards with Li-ion batteries

40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie (CERN)

40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie


Show room on map
Oriol Rios (CERN)

Seminar on Li-ion batteries Fire Safety by Petra Andersson

Dr Petra Andersson (RISE/ Lund University)

Petra Andersson has worked with fire research for more than 20 years. She obtained her PhD in Fire Safety engineering at Lund University in 1997 and has since then worked with Fire Research at RISE (former SP) with various research topics such as fire detection, functional performance during fires, extinguishment and environmental effects. Since 2020 she works part time as associate professor at Lund University in Fire safety engineering. Her research includes both simulations and experiments. Lately her research has been more focused on Electric and Hybrid vehicles.


Contact: Oriol Rios
    • 11:00 11:40
      Fire risks and hazards with Li-ion batteries 40m

      Abstract: Li-ion batteries are getting more and more common in many application areas, this includes small batteries such in handheld tools, batteries in Electric vehicles and more lately also for larger applications like stationary storage. Li-ion batteries have many advantages but also some drawbacks in terms of safety. The presentation will give a short introduction to Li-ion batteries and their hazards and then focus on fire safety of them. Safety requirements for different application areas will be brought up.

      Speaker: Dr Petra Andersson (RISE/ LU)
    • 11:40 12:00
      Q&A 20m

      Question and answer session for both, physical and remote attendees.