A3D3 Steering Board
Steering Board is composed of representatives from the A3D3 stakeholders and act as an advocate for initiatives and projects across the institute. Set the strategic direction of projects and provide support, guidance and oversight of progress.
Steering Board members are elected by the A3D3 senior personnel annually. The committee meet with Executive Board on the last Friday of each quarter. The feedback from the Steering Board will be included in the A3D3 quarterly report.
Steering Board members:
- Internal Members
- Song Han (HAC)
- Mark Neubauer (HEP)
- Kate Scholberg (MMA)
- Maria Makin (Neuro)
- TBA (Young scientist)
- External Members
- Nhan Tran (HEP)
- V. Ashley Villar (MMA)
How are the institutes connected?
How three areas (GW, Neutrino, Optical) converged?
Are all parallel technologies?
What is the goal in the next 3months?
Establish data cleaning pipeline for GW
How to manage three different teams?
There seems to be a lot of work on pure ML
Is there a way to mitigate this?
Projects are loosely connected
Extending A3D3 to external associated members?
ML group can use more experts outside A3D3
How to connect pyLOG to HLS4ML
Cross-meeting presentations in HLS4ML meeting and vice sa
Is this work being submitted to interdisciplinary journals/conferences?
For example, there was a neurips/icml submission. Were these submitted to the main conferences or specialized workshops? Does the team have a general plan on publication goals?
What overlap among various groups and projects?
What is collaboration platform?
Maria and Amy are generating broader experiment data and each has customized system so far. Ideas is to develop OPEN DATA set as new benchmark dataset initiated by A3D3
Just a comment as someone who is very much outside of the field: an open source data publication could be very high impact!! Astro creates Kaggle competitions to solve some of our problems, which are very popular (Ashley)
What is the hardware system? (are they very diverse, many vendors?)
It would be great to develop reproducible tools
Also, is the firmware, hardware locked? Can you integrate it to open source?
https://open-ephys.org/ seems to be getting popular, might be a good benchmark for development
Support Artix-7 FPGA (https://open-ephys.github.io/acq-board-docs/Build-Instructions/Putting-it-all-together.html) used by TinyML (https://opalkelly.com/products/xem7310/ )
Workshop in pure neuroscience building (30K people…wow. Society of Neuroscience)
Targeted system
PyLog/ScaleHLS integration to HLS4ML
Biweekly meeting with Vladimor+HLS4ML team and UIUC team
Identify cross projects to bring people together
Community Engagement
Hardware/Industry, have you engaged with the Xiliinx(AMD) university program?
How do you engage domains beyond HEP?
In particular, Society of Neuroscience, Medical Physics society -
What do we want to accomplish in the next 3 months?
Aim for an HDR leadership meeting
Work on assembling and distributing FAIR datasets
Increasing industry engagement
Building A3D3 FAIR dataset for education
There are a lot of educational efforts going on, would it be possible to centralize this effort, and make a common effort
Common tutorials
Common Datasets
Sharing of problems
How to bring in ML and ECE people for education
I just say that maybe Song and Deming might also have a course around this too — I know that Luca Carloni at Columbia has a research class that advertises science projects to (Nhan)
Target summer schools
Detector schools (grad/undergrad), AI schools, Radio Astronomy schools
Chat comments
We have an event building telescopes in a local elementary school here April 21 (Michael)
I have a high school student who currently has a PYNQ-Z2 is looking at adapting our hls4ml tutorial for high school students, but very early days (Javier)
Equity and Diversity
14 in comparison to 100 applicants in FNAL equivalent AI Postbac program. We have quite
Recruiting platform: AJO, CMS mail list, University mail list, APS education program, …, add a complete ist into the quarter report.
Grace Hopper is really good (used by FNAL)
Can you consider advertising at more society booths
Can you clarify whether or not these students will receive advanced payment to help with moving costs? This would likely be extremely beneficial for the audience you’re targeting (Yes. That can be done)
What mentor structures are set up to ensure they will be set up for grad school applications?
CS expertise, multidisciplinary conversation,
How can we consolidate the efforts of Song, Deming and HLS4ML
Ashley: OpenLab, ML methodology?
ML group seems a bit overburdened
Coming up with a way to address this would help
For next meeting, can we can make a clear list of what was done in the quarter
Work towards standardization of algorithms, datasets
Develop the toolkit to go cross domain
Distribute Steering Board questions 2 weeks ahead
Associate member/unpaid member