9–11 Jun 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone
The XVII International Conference of the Academy of Business & Administrative Sciences (ABAS), to be held June 9-11, 2007, will be hosted by Groupe ESC Troyes, one of France's leading Institutions of Higher Education in Management. Rich in art, history, medieval architecture and located about 150 Km from Paris, Troyes can boast of all the facilities of a major commercial city even while maintaining an easy-going lifestyle, a vibrant cultural and artistic life and numerous sporting events including musical festivals, vintage car rallies.
Champagne, France
Proposals with special emphasis on Emerging Economies are invited for presentations, panel symposia, and workshops. Refer to the conference web site for additional details: http://www.sba.muohio.edu/abas/ or email abas2007france@gmail.com