Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme

Forward detectors at the LHC for searches and high energy neutrinos measurements (3/3)

by Felix Kling (DESY)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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The FASER and SND@LHC experiments have been approved to start running in LHC Run-3. These experiments take advantage of the large particle flux produced at very small angles to the beam in the LHC collisions. This large flux leads to interesting possibilities for detecting neutrinos, or light, weakly-coupled BSM particles with small experiments situated on the collision axis line of sight. The lectures will discuss both the searches and neutrino programme, for the Run 3 experiments, as well as for future experiments that could be installed for HL-LHC running, possible in the proposed Forward Physics Facility.

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Jamie Boyd / participants 35