DD4hep Developers Meeting



Andre Sailer (CERN), Markus Frank (CERN)

Please Join DD4hep developer's meeting via Zoom

Present:  M.Frank, A.Sailer, C.Vuosalo, T.Madlehner

1) Pending problems

1.1) Pending problems reported by Sang Hyun Ko:
     - Cannot setup Birk's constant as material property.
     - No analogy to G4PVParametrized. Unclear if a solution is possible.
1.2) Add GFlash parameterisation to DDG4 (issue #802)
1.3) PluginFactoryBase::make_return problem with longs (Issue 875)
1.4) ROOT issue: for G4 units the radiation/interaction length is wrong by a factor 10
       -- For CMS this problem does not show up.
       -- Should only enter AFTER simulation (Geant4 materials do not have the radiation length as input)

       -- Need to address this issue early next year.
1.5) DDDigi TBB code needs migration to new oneAPI TBB interfaces (Issue 901):
       Clash between Intel oneapi TBB and classic TBB.
       -- Wouter promised to look into.

2)    Closed issues and fixed problems
2.1) Bug fixed in G4 const property translation from DD4hep (PR 902, Sanghyun Ko)
2.2) CI debug macro fix to test the MACOS runners. (PR 900, Andre Sailer)
        Needs to wait for an update in cvmfs.
2.3) CMake fix: cmake: quote an argument to avoid error with CMake > 3.18 (PR 899, Valentin Voelkl)
       Fix is transparent for the users.
2.4) Reduce coverity warnings (PR 898, Markus Frank)

3) Round table
3.1)  Markus:        --
3.2)  Andre:           - Talk requested: "DD4Hep for HSF Simulation Working Group"
                              Scheduled for May 26th. ( https://indico.cern.ch/event/1146364 )
                              Need to define the major topics - also with respect to ROOT7
                              To be elaborated at the next meeting ( 28th April ).
                              -- Will provide a new tag 1.20.2 containing the recent patches.
3.3)  Carl:              --
3.4)  Thomas:        --

4) AOB

Next meeting:   28. April 2022

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    • 15:30 15:50
      Around the table 20m