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Rucio Meeting

4/S-030 (CERN)



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Martin Barisits (CERN)
Rucio Development Meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
Martin Barisits
Alternative hosts
Mario Lassnig, Cedric Serfon, Dimitrios Christidis
Useful links
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    • 15:00 15:05
      News 5m
      • Next meeting: 28th April
      • Martin will be back 2nd May
    • 15:05 15:20
      Community News & DevOps roundtable 15m
      • ATLAS
        • No news
      • CMS
        • FTS overwrite setting(?) - investigating
      • Belle II
        • No news
      • FNAL/DUNE/Rubin
        • DUNE testing new policy package interacting with metadata catalogue
        • Clusterised Rucio deployment ongoing
      • ESCAPE
        • upgrading from 1.26.11 to 1.28.2  :fingers_crossed:
        • VRE Virtual Research Environment .. Data Lake as a Service .. Gathering(?)
      • SKAO
      • Multi-VO
        • No news :-)
    • 15:20 15:25
      Hot topics 5m
    • 15:25 15:55
      Developers roundtable 30m
      • Rucio 1.29 "Into the donkeyverse" progress tracking
        • In Progress​​
          • Hermes 2 evolution #4610 [Cedric]
          • Re-factor/cleanup deletion workflow #5442 [Radu]
          • boto vs boto3 #5346 [James, Mario]
          • Further ingetragtion of CMS-style consistency checking #5438 [Igor]
          • Fix client API documentation page #5444 [Joel]
          • Reduce logging of server & daemons #5449 [Mayank]
          • Authentication workflows in WebUI 2.0 #5135 [Mayank]
          • Further OIDC and SSO optimization and documentation #5437 [Rizart]
          • Migration of SQLAlchemy queries to new query syntax (1.4 -> 2.0) #5247 [Yuyi, ALL]
          • CI changes (flake8-annotations added) incoming
            • 11k missing annotations
          • Add python 3.10 tests to CI framework. #5145 [Mayank]
          • Operators for metadata for Oracle [Rizart]
        • In Review
          • re-evaluate the greedy = 1TB constant #5358 [Cedric]
        • Done
          • mypy static code analysis #4455 [Mayank, Ben, Joel]
          • Clean dead code in the probes (ATLAS and common) #83 [Eric, Dimitrios]
          • Flag transfer errors coming from tape sources #5410 [Radu]
          • Remove author list from headers [Martin, Joel]
          • new add_header mechanism + CI job
        • Todo
          • Create a contributor guide for probes #84 [Dimitrios]
          • Adherence to rule grouping dependent on order of ATTACH #5251 [Igor]
          • Create a server/daemon installation howto #5445 [Joel]
          • Remove old readthedocs documentation once the new one is fully operational #5446 [Joel, Martin]
          • Add symlinks for the new daemon names #5131 [Joel]
            • Prepare a clear list of changes which need to be made to use new daemon names #5132 [Joel]
          • Reduce core component tickets to less than 10 [Mario, Martin, Gabriele]
          • Document and cleanup discrepancies between surl and lfn2pfn algorithms #5129 [Martin]
          • Unable to Delete File DID via Undertaker #5154 [Martin]
          • Removal of Python 2.7 dependencies from the code #5435 [Martin]
          • Ticket Cleanup Marathon [Martin, All]
          • Reduce rule tickets to les than 10 [Martin]
          • Create developers testing guide in the documentation #5452 [Mayank, Joel]
            • Ben working on sub-task to test locally
          • Remove direct DB dependence from the WebUI #4319 [Mayank]
          • Calculation of container length and events #5422 [Radu]
          • Add session object to API layer #5439 [Radu]
          • Further integration of temporary tables to other major workflows #5441 [Radu]
          • Remove full_mode switch from conveyor-receiver #5453 [Radu]
          • Exchange of function-based indices with normal indices #5440 [Radu, Mario, Martin]
          • Introduce heartbeat handler to all daemons #5443 [Radu, ALL]
          • Re-work/cleanup distance table #5454 [Radu]
          • Create documentation page for S3-type storage #5450 [Rizart]
            • Exists as GGDoc
          • Add support for S3 virtual hosted buckets #5451 [Rizart]
            • Test on-premise
            • Ongoing support issue with AWS/Fresno X.509 shenanigans
          • Update/Re-design core.meta module #5224 [Rob]
          • Merge list_dids and list_dids_extended methods #5448 [Rob]
    • 15:55 16:00
      AOB 5m