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12–16 Dec 2022
IISER Mohali
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Two particle correlations of neutral and charged kaons in heavy-ion collisions

12 Dec 2022, 14:00
Foyer (IISER Mohali)


IISER Mohali

Lecture Hall Complex, IISER Mohali, Sector 81, Knowledge city, SAS Nagar, Punjab, India
Poster Poster - 1


Anjaly Menon


Measurements of two particle correlations are sensitive to several characteristics of the
medium created in heavy ion collisions. Looking at the correlations of charged and
neutral kaons might provide information about the potential formation of disoriented
chiral condensates (DCCs). Previous ALICE measurements have indeed shown a
strong anti-correlation between charged and neutral kaons, which is qualitatively
consistent with the formation of DCCs. The initial goal of this analysis is to perform
charged and neutral kaon identification with high purity using the ALICE detector. Once
the neutral and charged kaons are cleanly identified, they can be used to construct the
two-particle correlation function. The measurements of a more differential
analysis of these correlations as function of $\Delta \varphi$ and $\Delta \eta$ from Pb-
Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm{NN}}} =$ 5.02 TeV will be shown.

Session Heavy Ions and QCD

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