25–29 Jul 2022
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany
Europe/Zurich timezone

Implications of $R^2$-Higgs inflation with two doblets for collider experiments

27 Jul 2022, 11:54
Blaum Seminar Room

Blaum Seminar Room

Particle Physics Parallel Session D


Tanmoy Modak (Heidelberg University (ITP))


The $R^2$-Higgs inflation is one of the best fit model to the data from Planck experiment. We show that the inflationary dynamics of $R^2$-Higgs inflation with two Higgs doublets favors nearly degenerate mass spectra for additional Higgs bosons. While satisfying all constraints from Planck 2018 data, such inflationary scenario leaves unique signatures for ongoing and future collider experiments.

Primary authors

Prof. Kin-ya Oda (Department of Mathematics, Tokyo Woman’s Christian University) Mr Sung Mook Lee (Department of Physic, Yonsei University) Tanmoy Modak (Heidelberg University (ITP)) Prof. Tomo Takahashi (Department of Physics, Saga University)

Presentation materials