HL-LHC Monday Integration Meeting

Zoom Meeting ID
This is the zoom room for the monday meetings between civil engineering, integration and services.
Pedro Pinheiro
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL
    • 1
      ad-hoc points from SMB
      Speakers: Amelie Meyer (CERN), Angel Navascues Cornago (CERN), Ludovic Barthelemy (CERN), Marta Alcaide Leon (CERN), Martin Manfredi (CERN), Pierre Cardon (CERN)
    • 2
      ad-hoc points from EL
      Speakers: Davide De Luca (CERN), Nuno Dos Santos (CERN), Philippe Orlandi (CERN)
    • 3
      ad-hoc points from CV
      Speakers: Alejandro Mejica Rodriguez (CERN), Frederic Borralho (CERN), Paul Pepinster (CERN), Yannic Body (CERN)
    • 4
      ad-hoc points from HE
      Speakers: Caterina Bertone (CERN), Diego Zambelli (CERN), Roberto Rinaldesi (CERN)
    • 5
      ad-hoc points from Integration
      Speakers: Paolo Fessia (CERN), Pedro Pinheiro (Universidade de Lisboa (PT)), Stephane Maridor (CERN)
    • 6
      Standard weekly agenda
      Speakers: João Oliveira (CERN), Paolo Fessia (CERN), Pedro Pinheiro (Universidade de Lisboa (PT)), Stephane Maridor (CERN)