25–29 Sept 2006
Relais San Clemente, Perugia (ITALY)
Europe/Zurich timezone
The Registration if for invited person only


Novel detectors, materials and radiation damage

27 Sept 2006, 11:00
Relais San Clemente, Perugia (ITALY)

Relais San Clemente, Perugia (ITALY)

Perugia (ITALY)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Marcel Stanitzki (Yale Univ.)
27/09/2006, 11:00
Rainer Wallny (UCLA)
27/09/2006, 11:30
Alberto Messineo (Pisa Univ.)
27/09/2006, 12:00
Marina Artuso (Syracuse Univ.), Marina Artuso (Department of Physics)
27/09/2006, 12:30
Els Koffeman (NIKHEF)
27/09/2006, 13:00
Building timetable...