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IPPOG Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility WG

IPPOG Diversity WG
Zoom Meeting ID
Steven Goldfarb
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The meeting started at 10:00.


Alberto Ruiz, Anja Koranic Horvat,  Cecilia Colla Ruvolo, Gwen De Wasseige, Maria Alandes Pradillo,  Rebeca Gonzalez, Sami Lehti, Zlatan Vasovic, Pedro Abreu, Steven Goldfarb


Each of the attendees introduced themselves, described their current relation to IPPOG and what they expect from participation in the working group. Steve noted this was follow-up from the 2021 panel discussion on Diversity.

Initial Discussion toward forming our Goals

The participants described some potential concrete goals for the working group:

  • Development of inclusive content
    • descriptions of adaptive speech
    • content and methods that keeping in mind economic constraints, such as computing, internet
  • Creation of recommendations for those doing Education & Outreach, as well as the scientific community.

It was suggested that we reach out to existing Diversity & Inclusion and LGBTQ groups on experiments and laboratories (such as CERN), and that we gather material from other institutional offices and task forces.

When developing our standards and recommendations, it was suggested we call on appropriate expertise to inform them. This could come in the form of dedicated talks, workshops or panel discussions.

Vision Statement

A first iteration of a Vision Statement for the Working Group was put together:

Our vision is to make particle physics accessible to everyone regardless of

  • Gender
  • Sexual orientation
  • Cultural and educational background
  • Socio-economic condition
  • Language
  • Skin colour
  • Age
  • Ethnicity and nationality
  • Physical and mental ability
  • Religious beliefs
  • Political opinion
  • Any other parameter which is irrelevant to a person’s ability to appreciate, support or take part in science.

This is not final and future input from the collaboration is expected and welcome.


We organised our goals into these concrete points:

  • Improve accessibility of material and methods for particle physics education, outreach & communication
  • Work with existing office and groups to help make our field more accessible
  • Create recommendations for particle physicists to better to reach out to diverse audiences
  • Host recommendations and resources in our database and advertise through our communication channels
    • Not only for researchers, but also educators
    • Could include templates with inclusive wording, accessible graphics, colour schemes
    • Provide tools, as well
  • Host a list of diverse role models that can be included in presentations and publications

Action item: collect existing recommendations and templates from other D&I groups and associations

Zlatan shared this statement from the International Association of Physics Students (IAPS):

"IAPS does not pursue any profitable, political or religious objectives, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, political opinion, age, sexual orientation or disability."


Gwen offered to act as convener, although she will not be present in the upcoming collaboration meeting. The group enthusiastically accepted her offer. It was recommended that there be two conveners to share the work and responsibilities. Any other interested parties should contact Pedro and Steve.


Unless someone else steps forward, Steve will present the summary on Thursday morning.

It is planned to have a meeting in mid June. Gwen will set up a Doodle. The goal of the meeting will be to set up shared documentation and start gathering material.

The e-group was updated, adding all attendees as members.

The meeting concluded at 11:00.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:00 10:10
      Introductions 10m
    • 10:10 10:30
      Scope and Goals of the Working Group 20m
    • 10:30 10:50
      Organisation of the Working Group 20m
    • 10:50 11:00
      Plans and any other business 10m