3–4 Aug 2022
Purdue Physics
US/Eastern timezone


Collaboration Meeting

3 Aug 2022, 09:00
Room 223 (Purdue Physics)

Room 223

Purdue Physics

Purdue University Physics Dept, 2nd floor. Some hybrid meetings via the usual zoom channel https://zoom.us/j/7654943048 see email or slack for the password


Collaboration Meeting: Welcome & Modelling

  • Rafael Lang
  • Alec Thomas Habig (University of Minnesota (US))

Collaboration Meeting: Pre-supernova & Detector Response

  • Jost Migenda (King’s College London)

Collaboration Meeting: Detector Response

  • Marta Colomer (Université libre de Bruxelles)
  • Jost Migenda (King’s College London)
  • marta colomer

Collaboration Meeting: Implementation & Triangulation

  • Jeffrey Tseng (University of Oxford (GB))

Collaboration Meeting: Triangulation & Fire Drills

  • There are no conveners in this block

Collaboration Meeting: Multi-messenger & Outreach

  • Rafael Lang
  • Barry Pointon (British Columbia Institute of Technology)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Rafael Lang
03/08/2022, 09:00

Opening remarks

Cecilia Lunardini, Cecilia Lunardini (Arizona State University)
03/08/2022, 11:00

(20 + 10) mins

Andrey Sheshukov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR), Mr Andrey Sheshukov (JINR)
03/08/2022, 11:30

(10 + 5) mins

Dr Jost Migenda (King’s College London), Dr Marta Colomer (ULB (IIHE)), Marta Colomer (Université libre de Bruxelles)
03/08/2022, 11:45
Sebastian Torres-Lara (University of Houston), Sebastian Torres-Lara (University of Houston)
03/08/2022, 11:50
Sammy Valder (University of Warwick), Dr Sammy Valder (University of Sussex)
03/08/2022, 12:05
Rafael Lang
03/08/2022, 16:30
Dr Jost Migenda (King’s College London)
03/08/2022, 16:40
James Kneller (NC State University)
03/08/2022, 16:55
Sonia El Hedri (LLR, Ecole Polytechnique), Prof. Sonia El Hedri (Laboratoire Astroparticules et Cosmologie)
03/08/2022, 17:10
Prof. Eric Vázquez Jáuregui (UNAM - Institute of Physics)
03/08/2022, 17:25
Melih Kara, Sebastian Torres-Lara (University of Houston)
04/08/2022, 09:00
Melih Kara
04/08/2022, 09:20
Amanda Baxter (Purdue University)
04/08/2022, 09:25
Dr Marta Colomer (Université libre de Bruxelles), marta colomer
04/08/2022, 09:40
Remington Hill (Laurentian University)
04/08/2022, 10:00
Mr Joshua Queen (Duke University)
04/08/2022, 10:15
Vedran Brdar, Vedran Brdar (MPIK Heidelberg), Dr Vedran Brdar (Fermi Lab)
04/08/2022, 11:00
Cal Hewitt (University of Oxford)
04/08/2022, 11:15
Jeffrey Tseng (University of Oxford (GB))
04/08/2022, 11:25
Rafael Lang
04/08/2022, 16:30
Sarah Healy (Virginia Tech)
04/08/2022, 16:40
Dan Milisavljevic (Purdue University)
04/08/2022, 16:50
Peter B Kramer
04/08/2022, 17:10
Dr Barry Pointon (British Columbia Institute of Technology)
04/08/2022, 17:25

Outreach and discussions

Dr Jost Migenda (King’s College London), Dr Marta Colomer (Université libre de Bruxelles), marta colomer
Building timetable...