Achieving the target vertical emittance and adequate dynamic aperture in presence of realistic errors is important for achieving the FCC-ee design luminosity. 

This mini-workshop, organized under the umbrella of FCCIS WP2, is split in two blocks.

The first block will start by reviewing the present assumptions on alignment errors and lattice configurations, the applied optics corrections and the resulting performance. Additional or different corrections could be considered. In this regard, tuning methods developed at storage-ring light sources could be of interest, including, possibly, beam-based alignment techniques.

The second block will focus on the magnet alignment.  The real alignment errors might differ from the assumptions both in magnitude and in correlations. Alignment errors will depend on the cell length and girder strategy, grow with distance, and may exhibit local variations. Learning from the experience at various large facilities may provide guidance towards a possibly more realistic model for the element misalignments. Also the strategy for short girders, housing quadrupoles, BPM and sextupoles, may need to be validated, refined or modified.      

The mini-workshop is a hybrid event with both zoom and in-person presentations.

At CERN, room 6/R-012 has been booked for the two days (capacity: 20 persons)    


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FCCISThe Future Circular Collider Innovation Study. This INFRADEV Research and Innovation Action project receives funding from the European Union’s H2020 Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 951754.


6/R-012 - conference room
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Contributions relating to FCCIS must clearly indicate the EC H2020 project disclaimer on the slides. The EU emblem and reference to EU funding must be displayed in a way that is easily visible for the public and with sufficient prominence.

FCCIS: 'This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951754.'

Registration for this event is currently open.