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Application of machine learning (ML) in radioisotope identification in the environment

7 Sept 2022, 17:00


Phùng Thị Xuân .


Danang Unit, Research and Development Center for Radiation Technology,
Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute. The content of the internship is as follows:
1. Internship topic: Research on application of machine learning (ML) in radioisotope identification in the environment based on gamma spectrum measured by NaI scintillation detector
2. Job Description:
- Developing and testing algorithms, image recognition models and other problems in the field of physics, nuclear engineering
- Deploy and improve algorithms and models according to actual application requirements
- Writing algorithm documents, reports and seminars
As a pedagogical student, I have never been exposed to programming, so I am spending 2 months learning this language. Besides, I find this topic extremely interesting because the application of information technology in the nuclear field is really attractive in the 4.0 era.
To complete the project I need to equip:
- Have a mathematical background in linear algebra, statistical probability, and good optimization
- Ability to work independently, actively, proactively at work, always eager to explore and learn new knowledge
- Ability to search documents, read English documents
So I'm doing my best in the hope that artificial intelligence will develop more and more widely.

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