15–16 Aug 2022
Virtual/Laurentian University
Canada/Eastern timezone

CASST: The Canadian Astro-Particle Physics Summer Student Talk Competition!

Registration for participants are now closed. Registration for viewers will remain open.

Day 2 Zoom: https://laurentian.zoom.us/j/93614635887?pwd=MUR1NjJyaDdzN3d3aUl5T2tJQ0tvdz09

Feel free to register as a viewer. 

All summer students who are not currently engaged in graduate studies or have a graduate degree are encouraged to attend and submit an abstract. A final programme will be posted following registrations.

Talks will be 9 minutes, with a 2 minute question period. The final schedule is now available.

Two competitors will be granted an all-expenses-paid opportunity to present at the 2023 Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) Congress in Fredericton, NB, the prestigious annual meeting of all Canadian physicists.

The competition is co-sponsored by SNOLAB and the McDonald Institute.

Virtual/Laurentian University

For any questions, including those pertaining to registration or abstract submission, please contact us at:

Benjamin Tam: benjamin.tam@queensu.ca

Registration for this event is currently open.