Session VI: Session VI
- Yi-Hsuan (Cindy) Lin (Queen's University)
The nEXO (next Enriched Xenon Observatory) collaboration is searching for lepton-number violating neutrino-less double beta decays (0νββ) in Xe-136. A positive observation would require the neutrino to be its own anti-particle, i.e. the neutrino has to be a Majorana particle, and shed light on various open questions in neutrino physics and physics beyond the standard model.
A Ba-tagging...
The SNO+ experiment is located 2km underground at SNOLAB with the primary purpose of studying neutrino interactions. The detector is a 12-metre-diameter acrylic sphere filled with 780 tonnes of liquid scintillator, which produces light when a charged particle passes through it. This volume is surrounded by almost 10000 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), which detect the light from the scintillator....
High energy physics experiments rely on sensitive optical devices such as Silicon photomultiplier tubes (SiPMs). While SiPMs have an excellent single photoelectron resolution and linearity, they exhibit strong temperature dependence. It is important to properly test light sources and temperature-based systems prior to testing a SiPM. My work focused on designing a laboratory setup to test the...
The database has proven to be a valuable resource for the low background physics community as a tool to track and share assay results. A SNOLAB instance for screening results of sample measured via HPGe underground at SNOLAB is available at
This talk will describe the recent progress in uploading new data onto the database and further upgrades which...
The nEXO experiment is designed with the goal of observing neutrinoless double beta decay by placing 5000kg of liquid xenon (enriched to 90% in 136Xe) within a time projection chamber (TPC). To achieve the desired sensitivity to a neutrinoless double beta decay half-life of 1.35 x 1028 years, experimental backgrounds need to be characterized and reduced as much as...
Liquid scintillation has been a standard means of particle detection for decades; typically, through the use of a transparent medium containing molecules which transfer the kinetic energy of incoming particles into photon emissions through deexcitation, allowing the energy of the particle to be measured. An example of these liquids is the solvent LAB and the fluor PPO, as used in SNO+.