DD4hep Developers Meeting



Andre Sailer (CERN), Markus Frank (CERN)

Please Join DD4hep developer's meeting via Zoom

Present:  M. Frank, T. Madlehner, A. Sailer, C. Vuosalo

1) Pending problems

1.1) Pending problems reported by Sang Hyun Ko:
     - Cannot setup Birk's constant as material property.
     - No analogy to G4PVParametrized. Unclear if a solution is possible.
1.2) Add GFlash parameterisation to DDG4 (issue #802)
1.3) PluginFactoryBase::make_return problem with longs (Issue 875)
1.4) ROOT issue: for G4 units the radiation/interaction length is wrong by a factor 10
       -- For CMS this problem does not show up.
       -- Should only enter AFTER simulation (Geant4 materials do not have the radiation length as input)

       -- Need to address this issue early next year.
1.5) DDDigi TBB code needs migration to new oneAPI TBB interfaces (Issue 901):
       Clash between Intel oneapi TBB and classic TBB.
       -- Wouter promised to look into.
1.6) Issue 909: ddsim gets stuck infinitely on some events (reported by T. Madlehner).
        Infinite loop due to particle decaying to itself.
This also may be a generator problem.

2)    Closed issues and fixed problems

2.1) Shadow warnings 905
2.1) Fix compilation instructions
       (PR https://github.com/AIDASoft/DD4hep/pull/906, fixed by Andre)
2.2) ImageMagick prerequisite. Fixed by adding error message
PR https://github.com/AIDASoft/DD4hep/pull/908, fixed by Andre)

3) Round table
3.1)  Andre:        --
3.2)  Thomas:     --
3.3)  Carl:           DD4hep responsibility in CMS will be passed end of June to Sunanda.
3.4)  Markus:      - Talk requested: "DD4Hep for HSF Simulation Working Group".
                              Scheduled for May 23th. ( https://indico.cern.ch/event/1146364 )
                              Need to define the major topics - also with respect to ROOT7

        - This is an update talk. They got an earlier talk
        - Introduction
        - Geometry exchange formats (GDML, ROOT, python, etc)
        - Event display formats (??)
        - Tessellated shapes & CAD
        - ddsim ?

4) AOB

Next meeting:   09. June 2022

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    • 15:30 15:50
      Around the table 20m