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Tier2 Baltic project kick-off meeting

Zinātniskā bibliotēka (Riga Technical University)

Zinātniskā bibliotēka

Riga Technical University

Āzenes iela 14/24 II. stāvā
Toms Torims (Riga Technical University (LV))

The objectives of this meeting are:

- to set-up the collaboration, 

- to introduce all partners to Tier2 concept and to outline its benefits and challenges,

- to learn about technical capabilities and interests of the partners 

- to agree on the further practical/technical actions, hardware procurement etc.

Tier2 Baltic project kick-off meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
Toms Torims
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL
  • Agne Paulauskaite-Taraseviciene
  • Aija Rūse
  • Aleksandrs Gutcaits
  • Andrius Juodagalvis
  • Brigita Abakevičienė
  • Daina Gudoniene
  • Gints Jasmonts
  • Juozas Šulskus
  • Karlis Dreimanis
  • Lauris Cikovskis
  • Markus Seidel
  • Stephan Lammel
  • Toms Torims
Project Leader - Jānis Irbe
    • 1
      Welcome and opening
      Speaker: Prof. Toms Torims (Riga Technical University (LV))
    • 2
      Introduction by the Project Leader

      Previous efforts, partnership, scope and goals of the project, participants etc

      Speaker: Jānis Irbe (RTU)
    • 3
      Short round table and technical introduction by partners - 5 min each (participation to be confirmed)
      • Riga Technical University HPC
      • University of Tartu
      • University of Latvia
      • Vilnius University
      • Rezekne Academy of Technologies
      • TalTech
      • Latvian National Library
      • National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
      • Kaunas University of Technology
      • Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre
    • 4
      CERN/CMS perspective

      current and future computing needs and role of the Tier2 Compute Sites

      Speakers: CERN/CMS, Markus Seidel (Riga Technical University (LV))
    • 5
      Technical discussion and Identification of the technical/procurement needs of the project
      Speakers: Jānis Irbe (RTU), All partners
    • 6
      Summary and next steps
      Speaker: Jānis Irbe (RTU)
    • 13:00
      Informal lunch