Financial Reporting: Rules and Main Aspects

by Chiara Marazzi (CNAO), Maria Vittoria Livraga (CNAO), Marina Dora Tavano Tavano (PNO Group)


This event is an online training class offered by CNAO for the first financial reporting of the HITRIplus project.

As the first reporting period is fast approaching, we think that this class will be a great opportunity for all admin staff involved in financial reporting activities for HITRIplus. Controllers, accountants and legal professionals in particular could greatly benefit from this opportunity.

Our PNO/CIAOTECH expert, Marina Dora Tavano, has put together two different modules for this course. The first one is about the General H2020 rules for a correct financial reporting. It is addressed to technical and financial teams from all partners. The second module is focused on Trans-national access to research infrastructure. This module is specifically designed for technical and financial teams from HITRIplus WP6 partners, but it is open to all other beneficiaries. 

Please find the detailed tentative course syllabus below. 

You can join the conversation virtually on the Google Meet platform, simply using the following link: 


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