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CERN Lattice Coffee

Inclusive semi-leptonic B(s) mesons decay from Lattice QCD

by Alessandro Barone (University of Southampton (GB))

online (CERN)




We address the non-perturbative calculation of the decay rate of the inclusive semi-leptonic B(s) mesons decay from lattice QCD. Precise theoretical Standard Model predictions are key ingredients in searches for new physics. This type of computation may eventually provide new insight into the long-standing tension between the inclusive and exclusive determination of the Vcb and Vub CKM matrix elements.

We perform a pilot lattice computation for $B_s \rightarrow X_c l \bar{\nu}$ and improve on existing techniques. The valence-quark masses in our simulations are approximately physical for the domain-wall strange and charm quarks as well as for the b quark, for which we use the  relativistic heavy quark action. We report on our progress and discuss future plans towards a first study with fully controlled systematic effects.


Lattice seminars
Zoom Meeting ID
Elena Gianolio
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Tobias Tsang, Mattia Dallabrida, Andreas Juttner, Simon Kuberski, Matteo Di Carlo, Felix Benjamin Erben, Pascal Pignereau
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