21–23 Feb 2011
Brazil/East timezone

$J/\Psi$ mass shift and $J/\Psi$-nuclear bound state

Not scheduled
Auditório (IFT-UNESP)



Rua Dr. Bento Teobaldo Ferraz, 271 - Bloco II - Barra Funda - CEP:01140-070 - São Paulo


Dr Kazuo Tsushima (CSSM, Adelaide University)


We calculate mass shift of the $J/\Psi$ meson in nuclear matter arising from the modification of $DD, DD^*$ and $D^*D^*$ meson loop contributions to the $J/\Psi$ self-energy. The estimate includes the in-medium $D$ and $D^*$ meson masses consistently. The $J/\Psi$ mass shift (scalar potential) calculated is negative (attractive), and complementary to the attractive potential obtained from the QCD color van der Waals forces. Some results for the $J/\Psi$-nuclear bound state energies are also presented.

Primary author

Dr Kazuo Tsushima (CSSM, Adelaide University)


Prof. Anthony Thomas (CSSM, Adelaide University) Prof. Dinghui Lu (Zhejiang University) Prof. Gastao Krein (IFT UNESP)

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