11–14 Apr 2011
Hotel Slovenija, Portoroz
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

Charged LFV in a low-scale seesaw mSUGRA model

14 Apr 2011, 10:15
James Cook (Hotel Slovenija, Portoroz)

James Cook

Hotel Slovenija, Portoroz

Obala 33, 6320 Portoroz, Slovenia


Prof. Amon Ilakovac (Univ. of Zagreb)


We investigate the influence of the boundary conditions of minimal supergravity (mSUGRA) on the supersymmetric mechanism for lepton flavour violation (LFV) proposed recently [1], within the framework of the MSSM extended by TeV-scale singlet heavy neutrinos. We find that the consideration of the mSUGRA boundary condition may increase the branching ratios of the muon and tauon decaying into three charged leptons by up to a factor of 5, whereas the corresponding branching ratio for their photonic decays remains almost unchanged.


Prof. Amon Ilakovac (Univ. of Zagreb)

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