11–14 Apr 2011
Hotel Slovenija, Portoroz
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

Phenomenology of Seesaw-Motivated Heavy Leptons at the LHC

12 Apr 2011, 09:25
James Cook (Hotel Slovenija, Portoroz)

James Cook

Hotel Slovenija, Portoroz

Obala 33, 6320 Portoroz, Slovenia


Prof. Ivica Picek (Phys. Dept., University of Zagreb)


We study the phenomenology of Dirac fermion 5-plets leading to the tree-level seesaw different from standard type I and III. They give rise to the seesaw formula m_{nu} ~ v^6/M^5 which reproduces masses for light neutrinos m_{nu} ~ 10^{-1} eV by M > TeV new states, testable at the LHC. Their Drell-Yan production rates are enhanced due to the enlarged effective gauge couplings, and their tree-level cascade decays are opened by enlarged mass splittings within a multiplet. Specific decays, including a distinguished triply charged $\Sigma^{+++}$ into $W^+ W^+ l^+$ channel with specific decay signature, may be accessible already at present $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV and 1fb$^{-1}$ of data.


Mr Branimir Radovcic (Phys. Dept., University of Zagreb) Prof. Ivica Picek (Phys. Dept., University of Zagreb) Dr Kresimir Kumericki (Phys. Dept., University of Zagreb)

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