Zenro Hioki
(University of Tokushima)
12/04/2011, 15:25
Through top-quark pair productions at Tevatron/LHC, we study possible effects of anomalous top-gluon couplings yielded by SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) invariant dimension-6 effective operators. We calculate the total cross section and also some distributions for pp/ppbar -> ttbar X as functions of two anomalous-coupling parameters, i.e., the chromoelectric and chromomagnetic moments of the top. We show...
Jure Drobnak
(Jozef Stefan Institute)
12/04/2011, 15:50
I will present our recent study on anomalous tWb couplings in minimal flavor violating models. On one hand we examine the effects such couplings might have on the helicity fractions of the W-boson produced in the main decay channel of the top quark and on the other hand, how such couplings can affect B-meson mixing.