3–8 Jan 2023
Fefor Høifjellshotell - Norge
Europe/Oslo timezone

Norwegian accelerator research towards future colliders

7 Jan 2023, 16:00
Fefor Høifjellshotell - Norge

Fefor Høifjellshotell - Norge

Fefor Høifjellshotell - Lomsetervegen 25, 2640 Vinstra, Norway
Contributed Talk Detectors, computing and software Contributed Talks VI


Erik Adli (University of Oslo (NO))


I will present the Oslo group's involvement in towards a future collider at the Energy Frontier, with focus on advanced accelerator technology, including plasma wakefield accelerators and plasma lenses. I will also elude to how the technological advances may be used for medical applicaitons.

Primary author

Erik Adli (University of Oslo (NO))

Presentation materials