3–8 Jan 2023
Fefor Høifjellshotell - Norge
Europe/Oslo timezone

New developments in machine learning in particle physics

5 Jan 2023, 16:05
Fefor Høifjellshotell - Norge

Fefor Høifjellshotell - Norge

Fefor Høifjellshotell - Lomsetervegen 25, 2640 Vinstra, Norway


Thea Aarrestad (ETH Zurich (CH))


As datasets in particle physics get progressively larger, algorithms to swiftly and accurately process this data have become increasingly complex. Machine Learning (ML) has emerged as a solution to tackle several of the challenges experiments face: to efficiently select and reconstruct interesting observational data, to enhance sensitivity to increasingly rare processes and to efficiently generate accurate simulations of complex physical systems.

In this talk, I will give an overview of how ML is becoming an integral part of how we do particle physics research; from contributing to the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, to helping experiments at the future High Luminosity LHC process an amount of data comparable to 5% of the total internet traffic. We will especially focus on the role of Deep Learning in tackling future computational challenges in high energy physics.

Presentation materials