Contributed Talks II: Contributed Talks II
- Ida Storehaug (University of Oslo (NO))
The evolution of the strongly interacting medium is modelled with hydrodynamic models, which are driven by a large number of parameters quantifying the properties of the medium. The need to find model parameters which give the best description of the experimental data imposes a multidimensional optimization problem. The Bayesian analysis has shown to be very effective in constraining the...
One of the primary goals of heavy-ion physics is to understand the transport properties of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), which is composed of the smallest constituents of matter, the quarks and gluons, and which filled up our universe a few microseconds after the Big Bang.
The present most challenging question in this research field is to pin down the critical point of the QGP, where the...
The interplay of the chiral anomaly and the strong magnetic field ($\sim$ 10$^{15}$ T) created in heavy-ion collisions could give rise to a collective excitation in the quark--gluon plasma called the Chiral Magnetic Wave (CMW). This effect can be experimentally sought by the charge asymmetry ($A_{\rm ch}$) dependence of elliptic flow $v_{2}$. However, non-CMW mechanisms such as local charge...