Registration Options (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY) We are offering various ways that students can choose to take this class, please consider your options carefully and let us know if you have any questions.
1) Students can opt to take the course for official university transfer credit from University at Buffalo (at a cost) by registering at The class will use the Buffalo Blackboard LMS for the class (called "UBLearns"), and any student who registers directly will have access to this system. Do NOT register here.
2) We will work with students and their advisors to arrange for university credit at their own institutions to be given upon successful completion of the course, if allowed by the student’s institution. This may require the student's advisor to handle coursework grading.
3) Students can choose to audit the class and receive no credit. For these students, homework solutions will be provided, but coursework will not be graded.
Students choosing option 2 or 3 should complete their registration below and indicate if they are taking the course for credit at their university or auditing only. This indico page will be used for communication and for assignments.
Registration closes September 2, 2022