S’Cool LAB is a hands-on particle physics learning laboratory at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzerland. S’Cool LAB offers hands-on workshops for high-school students and their teachers from around the world.
On a regular basis S’Cool LAB opens its doors to everyone interested for an OPEN Cloud Chamber Workshop. Come and learn about S’Cool LAB, build particle detectors and observe cosmic particles! You can also bring colleagues, friends, and family (also from outside CERN).
The workshop will take place in English and lasts approx. 75 minutes with a maximum of 24 people per group.
i) We reserve us the right to cancel the schedule at any time if we deem it necessary in order to ensure the undisturbed running of our main programmes, or if the number of subscriptions is too low (~12, check point D-2).
ii) If the the session is almost full and you would like to join with a small group, which would just exceed the participants limit, please contact us to arrange an exception under scool.lab@cern.ch.